Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So its been awhile...

So its been awhile since I last posted. I started slacking on this partly because I started getting a lot of broken electronics to fix and was pretty busy with that. I think I might start using this to review various new electronics, video games, and whatever else I feel like writing a review. I haven't been writing on eHow mainly because they deleted a bunch of my tutorials which supposedly broke their user agreement, but I disagree. They don't pay enough anyways, so, oh well. If anyone who reads this is interested, I have some Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES), Super Nintendo systems (SNES), and Playstation 2 systems for sale. Also have some of each (not PS2's) modded to play any region games (Pal, NTSC-Japan, NTSC- USA, etc.). Just email me at or leave a comment for more information.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Writing for Money Online

I started another blog, Writing for Money Online, which talks all about various ways to make money as a freelance writer online. I will update it as I come across more sites or opportunities so check it out every so often if you are interested in freelance writing. Anyways, check it out. Peace.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nintendo Wii Homebrew

Homebrew is very cool and exciting stuff as it expands the use of your Nintendo Wii beyond its manufactured use. You can play many homebrew games and homebrew applications. Some othe these apps allow for mp3 playback, jpeg, tiff, gif, bmp viewing, xvid and divx playability, and soo much more. Check out these links for more information on how to install homebrew on your Nintendo Wii. This link shows how to install the Homebrew Channel so you wont have to trigger the Princess Twilight Hack everytime you want to start a homebrew application or switch to another homebrew application.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Attention All You First Time House Buyers!!

I saw today that there is a stimulus credit for those who are first time house-buyers for $7500. You must be a first time house buyer and plan to make that house your full time residence. It is easy to apply for the credit too as you just include it in on your taxes. This is $7500 that does NOT get paid back to the government.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Blog

Hello world! This is my first post on here, and I am excited to see how this site works. I have not decided on how I want to utilize this yet, but I am up for any suggestions. I think I will have stuff like a daily quotes, daily horoscopes, daily recipes, stuff like that. I have some other ideas, but am not sure if I want to do them or not. I am just going to see how things go I guess. I do want feedback from anyone who reads this and to have intellectual debates amongst us internet folk. I am the kind of person who finds diversity intriguing and want to not only see how people feel about things, but why they feel that way or believe the way they do. This reminds me... I have not introduced myself yet.

Well, I am Jason... Hello again... lol. I am in my mid-twenties and have many, very different, interests. I currently have a B.A. degree in Biology and Chemistry and am debating what my next move is. I want to pursue a master's or P.h.D., but I am not entirely sure what in... I have also been contemplating going to Ivy Tech for Electronics and Computer Technology
, Electrical Engineering, or Aviation Technology.

I took some time off after I graduated to try to get some work experience and get some money saved, but things did not go as planned. I worked at a couple places, but was laid off and currently am unemployed, without a car, and living back at my mom's house. I know... I know... not how I want things in my life... far from ideal. I already feel like a major failure at life because of this, but to make matters worse people that should be my support network treat me like I am a failure. I still have my ambitions though and all the crazy ideas I come up with... Nothing can keep me down! :) As I mentioned earlier I do not know what I want to pursue in life. I have soo many interests and such a wide knowledge base, it is very tough choosing what career path to take.

In the meantime, I am just trying to invent various products and ideas to make life more convenient, but more importantly to me, much much more earth [eco-] friendly. I am also trying to reduce the mass amount of technological trash by repairing and recycling electronics. I also write tutorials on eHow as I want to spread my random knowledge to any and all who want to soak it up. I will share more about myself later as I feel I have rambled on about myself long enough.

Anyways, anyone who stumbles across this, leave me comments, questions, or messages, as all are welcome. Can't wait to see where this takes us.